Enological Machines - Capsuling Machines

All THECA machines are predisposed for universal use; this means that they are designed to close with all the types of caps on the market: PVC shrink-caps, polylaminate caps, and champagne foils.
The automatic and semiautomatic OMBF capsuling machines can reach capacities ranging from 300 to 7,000 bottles/hour.

Automatic Rotary Capsuling Machine -UNI-THECA 4+4

The UNI-THECA 4+4 Automatic Rotary Capsuling Machine, designed for top performances in the winemaking process, is equipped with UNIVERSAL predisposal for the distribution and application of the following closures:
Polylaminate and tin caps through spinning heads
PVC caps through shrink heads


Capsuling of glass bottles.

Output: from 4,500 to 7,000 b/h depending on the configuration requested by the type of caps

Automatic Capsuling Machine -UNI-THECA 2+2

The UNI-THECA 2+2 automatic capsuling machine with UNIVERSAL predisposal is designed for the distribution and application of the following caps:

  • Champagne foils through pneumatic heads
  • Polylaminate and tin caps through spinning heads
  • PVC Caps through shrink-heads

Capsuling of glass bottles.

Output: from 2,500 to 3,000 b/h depending on the configuration required by the type of caps

Automatic Capsuling Machine - UNI-THECA 1

The UNI-THECA 1 Capsuling Machine is a machine with UNIVERSAL predisposal, designed for the distribution and application of the following types of caps:

  • Polylaminate and tin through spinning head
  • PVC caps through shrink-head
  • Champagne foils through pneumatic head

Capsuling of glass bottles.

Output: from 1,200 to 3,000 b/h depending on the configuration required by the type of caps